Validate a Badge

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People Finder

Need to find someone in’s network of TSA compliant carriers? This is the place!

Follow these simple steps to find anyone in the network:

  1. Find the employee’s TSA approved identification number and enter it in field #1 (Make sure to include any dashes “-“ but exclude the identification type such as the STA, SIDA, Hazmat, etc…)
  2. Enter the security code and click “validate”


This website contains Sensitive Security Information that is controlled under 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520. No part of this record may be disclosed to persons without a “need to know”, as defined in 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520, except with the written permission of the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration or the Secretary of Transportation. Unauthorized release may result in civil penalties or other action. For U.S. government agencies, public disclosure is governed by 5 U.S.C. 552 and 49 CFR parts 15 and 1520.